JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

Country: Austria
JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (JR), one of Austria’s largest non-university research organisations, is employing around 450 highly qualified staff members thematically structured in 6 research institutes.
The role of JR as an innovative partner for business and administration is reflected in its wide range of services: applied research and development for small and medium-sized enterprises is supplemented by custom-designed technical business consulting and vast expertise in interdisciplinary management of complex research contracts at a national and international level.
The subject project will be carried out by the by the groups “Future Energy Systems & Lifestyle”, “International Climate Policy and Economics” and “Weather and Climate Risk Management” at LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy & Society.
The competences of the group “Future Energy Systems & Lifestyle” comprise technological, economic, environmental and social aspects of various energy technologies and systems. Activities focus on technology development, the evaluation of different technologies in respect to their sustainability (life cycle sustainability assessment), stakeholder involvement and project management in national and international funded undertakings. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) including Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Social Life Cycle Analyses (SLCA) of energy technologies and energy systems are a focus of the research group.
The group “International Climate Policy & Economics” has gained national and international recognition for its expertise in energy and climate policy evaluation and instrument design. In particular, the group studies economic effects of climate and environmental policy instruments on regions, economic sectors and actors. This regards the impact of climate change itself on the economy as a whole and the effects of different mitigation and adaptation options. Methodologically, these analyses are based on macro-economic models such as multi-regional input-output modelling and general equilibrium theory.
The research group Weather & Climate Risk Management supports companies and society in coping with the risks arising from weather variability and climate change, and, wherever possible, turning these risks into opportunities. Methodologically the group draws on consistent analysis and modelling of exact (geographically defined) quantitative, economic and meteorological data and uses the results to generate the knowledge required to provide a guide for action.