PBE is jointly organized by FESBP and our partner EPSO, as a result of a merger between the previous individual EPSO and FESPB conferences. Taking place in June 18-21 in Copenhagen (Denmark).
With a multidisciplinary approach to plant science in a global context, the conference aims to collect speakers and presentations that cover wide ranging scientific and policy related themes within plant science, thereby showcasing state-of-the-art scientific developments and contributions to policy shaping towards plants science at the European and national levels. Plant Biology Europe is the biggest of its kind in Europe.
PBE2018 will focus on the following themes:
- Phenotyping on different scales
- Photosynthetic diversity
- New breeding technologies/Genome based breeding
- Seeds for the future
- Niche crops
- Plant Microbiome/Biotic Interactions
- Natural Products
- Environmental Resilience
- Genome evolution
More information: http://www.europlantbiology2018.org/