On behalf of Prof Joanna Hoffmann, Chair of Art & Science Node, and the entire Team of ASN, I have the great pleasure to invite you to the opening of the virtual exhibition
Capture the Future(s): OUR BIO-TECH PLANET.
The Routes to Roots Networks and Beyond
as Art & Science Synergy Program at the Plant Biology Europe Congress 2021.
The opening will be held on the 27th of June 2021 at 6 pm (CET) on zoom.us platform.
The event will begin with the introduction by Prof. Joanna Hoffmann, Chair of Art & Science Node, University of Arts in Poznań, and the welcome address by Prof. Andrea Schubert, Chair of Plant Biology Europe 2021 Organizing Committee, University of Turin, FESPB, Prof. Przemysław Wojtaszek, Member of Plant Biology Europe 2021 Scientific Organizing Committee, University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Prof. Dirk Bosch, Leader of EU Horizon 2020 CHIC Project, Wageningen University & Research, and Dr. Karin Metzlaff, Executive Director European Plant Science Organization, EPSO.
The evening will move on with the curatorial tour of the original exhibition website and unique augmented reality application conducted by Dr. Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska, Art & Science Node.
Please join the event here.
(Meeting ID: 840 7697 0175, Passcode: 888543)
“Capture the Future(s): OUR BIO-TECH PLANET. The Routes to Roots Networks and Beyond” as Art & Science Synergy Program at the Plant Biology Europe Congress 2021:
The exhibition offers original paths to explore and reflect on interconnections between environmental, cultural and social-political issues that shape our Future(s). The fully digital experience will combine the worlds of art, science and innovation, providing an international survey of artworks created by artists inspired by scientific research and collaborating with scientists in the field of life sciences and biotechnology.
The exhibition’s concept was initially developed within the interdisciplinary project: Rhizosphere: The Big Network of Small Worlds – a comprehensive art, research & education project inspired by research on plant network strategies and the “Wood Wide Web” and exploring the impact of this knowledge on changing cultural paradigms, increasing environmental awareness and developing social ecosystems. In further development, the art & science exhibition incorporated the presentation of the CHIC Consortium ASN Artists-in-Residence/Labs Program (EU Horizon 2020).
More information about exhibition curatorial tours, panel discussions and the workshops:
To view the programme, click here –> ASN_exhibition-events-programme
To download a copy of the invitation, click here –> ASN_invitation_attachment